Tears In The Toilet


(photo Es Devlin)

I recently suffered through text messages from two friends in the throes of this ecstasy. They did not realize they were each SMSing me, so I don’t think it was overly sadistic.

Anyway, this is a great piece on the set design, which featured two of today’s design fetishes, projections and cardboard. Clever. Read on.

Creating Pandemonium For The Pet Shop Boys, Part 1: The Designers’ Roundtable.

I Love You Theo Watson

The Filmmuseum is a museum of cinematography in Amsterdam. In 2011 they moved to a new facility, and their announcement of this news was appropriately cinematographic. Dutch sand sculptors The Sand-Factory created a replica of the new digs, and Britain’s Theo Watson, currently based in Amsterdam, designed a projection for the sculpture.